Journal Oversight
In February 2016, the CMA's Journal Oversight Committee was discontinued and a Task Force on CMAJ set up to develop a new governance structure.
After a wide consultation with CMA members and other stakeholders, the Task Force proposed the development of a CMAJ Governance Council. In May 2017, the CMA Joule Board of Directors and CMA Board of Directors approved the terms of reference and related policies for the Governance Council.
The role of the Governance Council is to steward and promote the overall well-being and integrity of CMAJ, including editorial independence. Responsibilities include ensuring that CMAJ's strategy and business objectives are aligned with the journal's mission, vision and values.
The ten-member Governance Council includes the following: a peer editor, a practicing clinician (CMA member), an academic physician (CMA member) and a scholarly publishing expert with financial expertise, as well as a representative from the CMA Board, the CMA Joule Board and the CMAJ Editorial Advisory Board. The CMAJ Editor-in-Chief, the Publisher and the CMA Impact CEO also participate as ex officio members. The Governance Council reports to the CMA Joule Board.
The Governance Council meets quartlerly.
For more information, see the Governance Council page.
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