Refugee Health
Caring for a newly arrived Syrian family
S'occuper d'une famille de réfugiés syriens nouvellement arrivés
Evidence-based clinical guidelines for immigrants and refugees
Common mental health problems in immigrants and refugees: general approach in primary care
Tuberculosis: evidence review for newly arriving immigrants and refugees
Development of guidelines for recently arrived immigrants and refugees to Canada
Migration and health in Canada: health in the global village
Strongyloidiasis in immigrants and refugees in Canada (subscription required)
An unusual case of appendicitis
Hepatitis B virus screening and vaccination
Domestic impact of tuberculosis screening among new immigrants to Ontario, Canada
Incidence of psychotic disorders among first-generation immigrants and refugees in Ontario
Cost-effectiveness of screening for hepatitis C in Canada
Age- and sex-related prevalence of diabetes mellitus among immigrants to Ontario, Canada
Medicine at sea: the front line of the migrant crisis
Optimism for restoration of refugee health care
Health agencies overwhelmed by Syrian crisis
Syrian refugees' mental health is top priority
Many refugees still denied care despite ruling
Refugees, human rights and global health: what role can Canadian physicians play?
Migration and risk of psychosis in the Canadian context (subscription required)
Screening immigrants for latent tuberculosis: Do we have the resources?
Canada owes refugees adequate health coverage
Practising medicine in the global village: use of guidelines and virtual networks