Editorial team
Kirsten Patrick [Competing Interests]
Managing editor
Wendy Carroll
Deputy editors
Erin Russell [Competing Interests]
Matthew Stanbrook [Competing Interests]
Catherine Varner [Competing Interests]
Medical editor
Shannon Charlebois [Competing Interests]
Editorial fellow
Consulting editors
Diane Kelsall [Competing Interests]
Andreas Laupacis [Competing Interests]
Associate editors
Behrooz Astaneh [Competing Interests], Kirsteen Burton [Competing Interests], Dorian Deshauer [Competing Interests], Jesse Elliott [Competing Interests], Kristina Fister [Competing Interests], Ken Flegel [Competing Interests], Monica Kidd [Competing Interests], Domhnall MacAuley [Competing Interests], Andrew McRae [Competing Interests], Heather Murray [Competing Interests], Braden O'Neill [Competing Interests], Nav Persaud [Competing Interests], Savita Rani [Competing Interests], Bukola Salami [Competing Interests], Barbara Sibbald [Competing Interests], Nav Singh [Competing Interests], Nathan Stall [Competing Interests], Moneeza Walji [Competing Interests]
Biostatistical consultants
Andrew Day [Competing Interests], George Tomlinson [Competing Interests], George Wells [Competing Interests]
Program manager, Peer review
Meredith Weinhold
Senior strategist, communications and partnerships
Kim Barnhardt [Competing Interests]
Manager, multimedia content
Digital communications specialist
Emii Morgan
Manuscript editors
Vicky Bell, Kate Brown, Stephanie Mowat
Freelance copyeditors
Gloria Baker, Peggy Robinson, Jennifer Thomas
Justine Cadieux
Manager, manuscript processing
Erin Driscoll
Editorial coordinators
Olivier Nguyen-Huu, Kerri Kaszas
Administrative assistant
Sylvie Blais-Tam
Publishing Staff
Holly Bodger
Jennifer Pershick (Manager, Production and Graphic Design); Holly Michael, Sarah O'Neill (Production and Graphic Designers)
Online Publishing
Linda Brennan (Manager, Digital Publishing); James Manship (Web Publisher)
Career/classified advertising representatives
Laurie McLeod, Susan Ritchie
[email protected]; 613 731-8610, x8460 or x8475
Advertising Sales
Trish Sullivan, 905 330-8770, [email protected]
Sales Coordinator
Deborah Woodman, [email protected]
Business Development Manager
Isabelle Laurendeau
613 731-8610, x8441
[email protected]
Podcast hosts
Blair Bigham [Competing interests], Mojola Omole [Competing interests]
Former Editors-in-Chief
Andreas Laupacis (2019–2021), Diane Kelsall (Interim) 2016–2019; John Fletcher 2012–2016; Rajendra Kale (Interim) October 2011–January 2012; Paul C. Hébert 2007–2011; Noni E. MacDonald (Interim) 2006–2007; John Hoey 1996–2006; Bruce Squires 1987–1996; David Woods 1985–1987; Peter Morgan 1982–1985; Andrew Sherrington 1980–1981; Jack Wiggin 1977–1980; David Shephard 1976–1977; James R. Anderson 1969–1975; Gordon T. Dickinson 1966–1969; Donald C. Graham 1960–1965; Stanley Gilder 1955–1960; Hugh Ernest MacDermot 1942–1955; A.C. Nicholls 1930–1942; A.D. Blackader 1919–1929; Andrew Macphail 1911–1918